Power Mothering

Parenting helps about potty training, chore charts, menu planning, raising kids and more.

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Tuesday Oct 16, 2012

Tuesday Oct 16, 2012

Cooperation and parenting. Wouldn't it be great if those two things went hand in hand? This podcast is a resource developed for subscribers to my online newsletter about parenting challenging children. Learn more about struggling with defiant children here.

Finding a mentor mom

Tuesday Oct 16, 2012

Tuesday Oct 16, 2012

This podcast is specifically aimed to members of my online newsletter for parents of challenging children. Sound interesting? Click here to learn more about parenting disrespectful children.

Thursday Dec 09, 2010

Potty training - constipation - bowel movements - these are all comments that send shivers down the spine of many parents of toddlers.
Because toilet training is tricky enough without throwing extra challenges in the mix - and that's exactly what constipation is for a young potty trainee.
If you're deal with potty training & constipation issues you'll need both short term and long term solutions. And a lot of patience.
Believe me, you have my compassion, empathy and understanding. I've been there. I've potty trained four children of my own, each with his or her own bodily rhythms and quirky sweet personalities.
And they all made it. Yah!
So hang in there and listen up for more tips on potty training and constipation.

Tuesday Dec 07, 2010

A free potty training chart can be a wonderful thing. And sometimes more for a mom than for her toilet training toddler.
Just keeping track of progress - or lack of it - and the normal ups and downs of potty training can help you keep perspective during the potty process.
I know. I have potty trained 4 kids of my own and if I'd have known then what I know now...let's just say I would have done things differently and gathered way more advice, tips and resources before I ever started the potty game in our home.
But enough about me! Listen in and learn to use a free potty training chart to your advantage and help move your toddler along the potty training road.

Tuesday Nov 16, 2010

Is potty training a boy really different from toilet training a girl? Do boys potty train faster? Slower? Easier? Harder?
After potty training four kids of my own, two of which were boys, I can tell you that a potty training boy is an adventuresome little person! He is excited to be doing this extremely "grown up" thing.
But he also gets bored. Often quite easily.
My podcast today talks about what's more important than gender when it comes to potty training a boy. It helps to know where and what to focus on, doesn't it?
Listen on.

Friday Nov 12, 2010

When it comes to potty training bowel movements, parents get worried fast if things are not progressing according to a schedule. The truth is, some toddlers and preschoolers take a while to get the hang of bowel movement training.
It can be hard to be patient, though. Especially if constipation sets in. There ARE some practical things you can do to help your toddler understand and work with his body, which are very important skills he'll need the rest of his life.
Do remember that patience and lots of hugs are very important for successful potty training. The training process takes time, even if you've originally started with an intense toilet training in less than a day method, which is fine, but the potty practice may take months to get those habits firmly established. Including potty training bowel movements.
Enjoy the podcast!

Wednesday Nov 10, 2010

Potty training babies has been an option available to parents for hundreds if not thousands of years. As an alternative to toilet training toddlers, babies - that is, children younger than the age of one year - being potty trained is a very different approach to this important milestone in a child's life.
Like all topics controversial, some parents swear by this method and others are just as adamant it can't be done. In my podcast I talk about what you will need to keep in mind if you want to try to toilet train your baby - and how to adjust your expectations accordingly before you even begin.

Potty Training Age

Monday Nov 08, 2010

Monday Nov 08, 2010

What is the right potty training age? Most parents ask that when their baby reaches toddlerhood. I certainly did!
The truth is, there is no hard and fast toilet training age and that causes confusion and even frustration amongst potty trainees and their parents. The good news is, there ARE some simple signs that you can look for in your child that will give you a very good indication of when she's ready to potty train.
And observing these signs will allow you to begin toilet training with confidence - or put it off for a few weeks without feeling in the least guilty.
Listen to my podcast and hear for yourself about these potty readiness signs.

Friday Nov 05, 2010

Well, that's always the big question, isn't it? Is potty training in 3 days even possible? After training 4 kids of my own, I give a qualified "yes" to that question.
There are some keys that you cannot ignore if you choose to go this route. Your prep work will look a little different and you need to be careful about your expectations. Potty training is a natural process, to be sure, but a toddler is often totally clueless about what's expected of him and that's a parent's first obstacle to be overcome.
Besides listening to this podcast, you might want to watch the potty training day video on this page. It's quite insightful and makes sure that you, Mom or Dad, are every bit as ready to potty train as your child, which is key.

Tuesday Nov 02, 2010

Potty training 3 year old kids IS an adventure! And the more you can convince yourself of that the smoother the process will go, believe me. I've toilet trained four of my own kids and I learned the hard way that at least appearing to stay on top of the potty training game was vital and my 3 year olds did not make that easy!
In this podcast I discuss 3 honest mistakes that happen quite often with potty training a 3 year old. Just knowing about these mistakes can make it easier for you to avoid them and if they sound familiar, well, now you'll have an action plan!

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